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Mud pump 9T (NC-320), NB-125 (9MGr)   - OilPromService

e mud pump equipment

Mud pump NB-125 (9MGr).

        Mud pumps NB 125 (9MGr) it is used Mud pumps NB 125 (9MGr)for discharge under pressure of flushing liquids at drilling holes and at flushing -pressing modification works during major overhaul of holes;

  • Course of the piston - 250 mm;
  • Frequency of rotation of transmission’s shaft: 388 rev/min (76 double courses), 511 rev/min (100 double courses);

Pressure and volumetric submission of mud pumps in dependence from diameter of the hollow bar and number of double courses of the piston
Mud pump Capacity, kw Diameter of replaceable hollow bars, mm

Volumetric submission, dm3/sec. (m3/hour)


the greatest pressure, МPа Number of double courses of the piston in one minute.
NB 125 125 90 7,0(25,2) 17,0 76
100 8,9(32,0) 13,0
115 12,1(43,5) 10,0
127 15,0(54,0) 8,8
NB 125 125 90 9,2 (33,0) 13,0 100
100 11,7(42,0) 10,0
115 15,9(57,0) 7,5
127 20(72,0) 6,0

Modification of mud pumps НБ-125 (9МГр)
Mud pump Modification Dimensions, mm Weight, kg
NB 125-01 Without a pulley and a frame 2353x886x1960 2740
NB 125-02 Without a frame but with a pulley 2353x980x1960 3100
NB 125-03 With a pulley and on a frame 2353x980x2005 3190
NB 125-04 With a pulley, force flanges, without a frame . With a pulley and on a frame. 2353x980x1960 3110

The cementing pump 9T (NC-320)

The cementing pump 9T        The cementing pump 9T (NC-320)  — two-piston bilateral action.

Assignment - for a forcing (clay, cement, salt) solutions at flushing -pressing works and at cementation of oil and gas holes.

Piston cementing mud pump NC-320 is developed on the basic of the mud pump 9Т, the basic details and assembly's units of mud pumps are similar and interchangeable.


Technical characteristics of mud pump NC-320
Useful capacity of the pump, kw 108
Transfer number of screw type pair 22
Dimensions: 2410 mm х 810 mm х 2280 mm
Weight, no more than, kg, 2890


Pressure and volumetric submission of mud pump NC-320
Number of double courses of
the piston, courses / min
Diameter of replaceable
hollow bars, mm
Ideal submission,dm 3/с (m 3/h)
The greatest
pressure, МПа
133 90 12,3 (44,3) 9,5
100 15,6 (56,2) 7,5
115 21,2 (76,3) 5,5
127 26,0 (93,6) 4,5
30 90 2,8 (10,1) 40,0
100 3,5 (12,6) 32,0
115 4,8 (17,3) 23,0
127 6,0 (21,6) 18,5


The list of spare parts to mud pump NB-125 >>>

The list of spare parts to pumps 9T (NC-320) >>>




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